Implementation of Clean Cooking Solution with Husk Pellet for Reducing Fossil, Fuel Consumption in Nepal
Husk Power Nepal Pvt. Ltd. is implementing the above project in Bara, Parsa, Makwanpur and Kathmandu Valley with the Technical and Financial Assistance from Nepal (NREP)/ Government of Nepal under Sustainable Energy Challenge Fund (SECF). SECF is financed by British Embassy in Kathmandu. The main purpose of this project is to promote household and commercial stoves and husk pellet production.
- To provide alternative biomass energy solution of fossil fuel, LPG, diesel and firewood for the MICS user in peri-urban and terai communities covering both households and MSMEs
- To strengthen production and marketing capacities of HPN to design and develop energy efficient ICS technologies suitable for the rural people, small enterprises and urban settlements.
- To help in declaring village/ wards as a “Smoke Free” wards
Expected Project Results
- 1,000 + HHs adopt Force Draft Stove and pellet as fuel
- 35 small industries use horizontal vertical pellet burner stove
- 265 MSMEs adopt vertical burner pellet stove
- 2 wards declare as “Smoke Free Wards/ Communities”
- Pellet production and marketing sustained
- Needed innovations in cost effective renewal energy technologies (biomass cook-stoves)
- MSMEs able to operate the pellet stoves